< hello there>

Nice to meet you! Thank you for visiting my online portfolio. My name is Chelsea Hurst. I am a budding front-end developer and passionate graphic designer based in Virginia. I love music, LOTR, K-dramas, reading science fiction, and traveling with my family.

Here are a few things I have been trained on since joining the SheCodes community in April 2021:

Picture of Chelsea Hurst sparkle graphic
Laptop with Weather App open

< take a look>

Pull up a chair, stay a while and peruse my coding projects and graphic design work. I have learned so much coding my real-life projects during my SheCodes workshops and have loved the opportunity to incorporate my own designs. When it comes to designing and coding, I'm inspired by this quote by Lauren Mosenthal:

"Life is a series of building, testing, changing and iterating."

Something I have realized through the years of designing and during my coding journey is that I find the process of building, testing, changing and iterating fullfiling and exhilerating.


< certifications>

SheCodes Basics Certificate
SheCodes Plus Certificate
SheCodes Responsive Certificate
SheCodes Plus Certificate